Understanding Your Current Health State

To begin any quest for vitality, what’s required is a thoughtful understanding of one’s current state of health. From deep inquiry and the best data come deeper insights. Let Healthspan Montecito be your trusted partner in Precision Medicine. Together, we’ll discover the journey AND the destination.

Photo of Dr. Alvarez with a patient


Partnering with Healthspan Providers PC, led by Dr. Alan Viglione and Dr. Jeremy Alvarez, we’ve created the Ultimate Health Assessment. This comprehensive medical and physical evaluation represents the pinnacle of Precision Medicine, curated to provide unparalleled detail and insight—and your roadmap to improved wellness. You’ll learn more than you ever thought possible about the inner workings of your physiology and how it affects your health and vitality. Your assessment concludes with a ready-action plan tailored to your unique path.

  • DEXA Body Composition Report
  • DEXA Bone Density Report
  • VO2 Max Test
  • Physical Movement Evaluation with Dr. Jeremy Alvarez
  • EKG and Blood Draw with over 100 biomarkers
  • Physician Team Review and Consultation


Photo of Dr. Alvarez with a patient


Having helped thousands of athletes, Dr. Jeremy Alvarez is leading the vanguard of modern sports medicine, specializing in injury prevention, rehabilitation and recovery. As he’ll tell you, the way your body moves is like your signature—it’s unique to you. When this signature is properly understood, your movement patterns help identify risk factors, allow him to help you increase flexibility and strength, while reducing pain. With a focus on functional and sustainable transformation, your improvements translate to the daily activities in your real life. 

  • 1-hour initial assessment
  • 30, 60 and 90-minute follow-up visits


Client Testimonials

Sierra B.

I feel like a different person since starting Healthspan+. I’ve noticed an increase in strength, vitality, and motivation. My every day life has improved in ways I never imagined!

Jean A.

I could not be more impressed. I am seeing measurable improvements in my fitness and health.

Lisa R.

Before Healthspan+ I was withering and fighting hopelessness. After just 90 days, I’ve been gifted all the possibilities that vitality brings.

John B.

It’s so satisfying to see my weekly progress. Compared to when I started ARX, my lower-body strength has increased by 26%. I’m definitely feeling it.

Eddie R.

Working with Dr. Jeremy has given me more confidence, and taken away the fear I had of recurring lower back pain.

Erin B.

The personal attention I get at Healthspan is so uplifting, and after my restorative red-light therapy, I always leave there on cloud nine.

Photo of Santa Barbara

The most
rewarding decision

You’ll make this year

Healthspan Montecito is a resource that unlocks vitality in your body, in your day, and throughout the course of your life. There is nothing like it. It is unlike anything you have experienced. Your brain won't know how to categorize it. To find out for yourself, book a free private tour. We look forward to welcoming you.